I present some sites that you can earn by affiliating program.

Casino Parterners
This is English. The way to join affiliate program is that going to this site and clicking "SIGN UP NOW", then you can join affiliate program. You will get about 35% of profit.

This is English. The way to join affiliate proram is that going to this site and click"JOIN NOW". You will get about 30% of profit.

Starsol Scripts.co.uk
This is English. The way to become member is visiting this site and clique "register" and write your E-mail adress and your desired username. After that you will recieve a E-mail.And click URL.

This is English.You will get about 30% of profit by charge of players. And you can get 10% from a direct introducer's sales.Moreover, you will get 5% of profit by your intoducer's introducer.

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